Body Detailer
SHEA BOMB Quad Milled vegetable bath soap bars with Shea Butter, Calendula, Argan Oil 8.8 oz
SHEA BOMB vegetable based quad milled 8.8 oz bath soap bars with organic Calendula flower extract, A…
Body Detailer
SHEA BOMB vegetable based quad milled 8.8 oz bath soap bars with organic Calendula flower extract, A…
Body Detailer
CLEAN SHEETS vegetable based quad milled 8.8 oz bath soap bars have a fresh clean sce…
Body Detailer
MEGA MINT vegetable based quad milled moisturizing bath and shower 8.8 oz soap bars awaken you in th…
Our Gift for 2025 to one multinational in the category of consumer personal care products: If you're not yet competing in the category, you may want to consider it.
What if 99% of consumers on the planet became loyal customers of our brand?
Why would they?
Because people from all walks of life around the world engage in one similar activity nearly everyday. People detail their body to become whole again. It used to be called taking a shower or a bath, but times are changing. We are Body Detailer Personal Care and that makes a difference.
Products and formulations change all the time, but a great brand name becomes set in stone forever. The sky's the limit on how many great skus our brand can develop to be used daily in bathrooms around the world. Lets do it together...
We have an opportunity for one Partner in the fast moving consumer goods industry and we're offering 40% equity in the intellectual property rights to Body Detailer. This offer does not require upfront capitol and provides an opportunity to receive first priority of the remaining equity at a later time.
Why would we put an offer like this on the table?
Because we believe companies often spend a lot of money acquiring brands before realizing their full potential. Based on that, we'd like our partner to take our brand for a test drive in the marketplace and see if it meets expectations as a new offering in the category of personal care. There are certain contingencies of coarse which would need to be negotiated but we believe this is a great opportunity to take a substantial market share of one of the most profitable industries in the United States. Lets do it together and you'll be working with one of the most unique entrepreneurs in America.
We believe being a successful entrepreneur is not defined as how many free users, fake facebook Likes, bought Twitter followers or free YouTube views you receive or fabricate, rather it's what possibilities lie in wait and who holds the reins of the IP that will ultimately defy competition. The exciting world of personal care & hygiene is a very competitive landscape, however most any industry is, which is why it's crucial you have the right brand name leading new products to market. We believe there's no better name in personal care because there's not.
One of our future goals is to also launch Body Detailer for KIDS so our younger generation can grow with our brand. We envision a world where kids are not left out when it comes to choices in the personal care isles. Our plans for this future launch is an exciting addition to our brand as it entails products that appeal to kids from age 4 into their tween years allowing for kids to grow with us as they enter their teens and adulthood. If partnering with us sounds like an offer you'd like to consider, here's what we're looking for in a partner:
If you meet our requirements, we welcome a conversation about growing together. While we constantly receive offers of capital, we are not seeking investors or their capital, rather we desire a partnership to help grow Body Detailer in homes across America and around the world.
Visit our registration at the USPTO website and send us a letter of interest to the address on file. Also, please follow-up with an email to the legal contact on file. Once we receive both your letter of interest and email, someone will be in touch with you to discuss the opportunity further.
NOTE: We will not respond to anonymous emails, please use your corporate email when contacting us.
A unique branding experience for consumer bath and shower products that help people get cleaned up during their daily hygiene routines. We understand new ideas are sometimes inevitable when establishing new partnerships and because of that, we bring flexibility as we move forward in developing the brand further. We've been here since 2012, and even before that, which is when the ideas started brewing for a new brand of consumer personal care products. We've made mistakes from packaging and design to logistics to manufacturing and we've learned from them over the years. We've tried different ideas, some worked and some didn't resulting in us switching gears 360 degrees to try a different direction. We understand that being small has its advantages when building a great foundation for a brand in consumer goods but we recognize what a team effort can achieve when different ideas gather around a table. We believe its prerequisite for success to have an open mind and a willingness to try things and we knew there'd be duds and we knew there'd be winners. We get it, but they'll always be better products as time goes by because the founder of Body Detailer has a perfectionist mindset and a never ending supply of perseverance to build something great. He's a dyslexic with an unrelenting vision and an eye for excellence when it comes to building things, if a product doesn't meet his strict expectations, we won't sell it. If we don't absolutely LOVE a product, then we figure our customer won't either and we'll find a better way to make it. To be clear, Body Detailer is the best name to come along in the Personal Care Products Industry since the invention of sliced bread and we are exactly what shareholders behind some of the largest companies in CPG really want but don't yet have. Lets TALK!
Great marketing minds working together is what we like because it makes the world a more enjoyable place to live. We are forced to watch TV commercials and ads alike, whether on TV or a computer, but we all like to laugh and dream and that's where the best advertising takes center stage when done creatively and superior compared to competitors. Here's just a sample of in-house capabilities we bring to the table to help grow the business into the future. Many commercials and Ads you see today leave people wondering what the advertised product was because it takes telling a great story to make a product memorable. This unique story telling comes natural to our founder because he thinks differently than the rest of us. Click below to enter our Blog and read on to see what we mean. If you like it and fit the part of partner that we're seeking, please say hi and get ready to grow business beyond your wildest dreams with the best name in personal care and hygiene.